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Topographical Map of Loyang 
There are twelve city states that all have their own autonomous governments. They vary somewhat in composition but all hold to the same government structure. The Warlord is the supreme ruler and under him are his Daimyo or Lesser Houses. The Emperor stands above all as the Light Of Heaven but never involves himself in the affairs of his mortal peoples, leaving the burden of governance to the Warlord. The city states are broken up into castes. The Noble class is on par with the Warrior (Samurai) caste in most lands with the peasants beneath. Peasants are sub-divided into many confusing groups. Groups such as household servants and craftsmen are held in greater esteem than some minor nobles, farmers are on the lowest rung but according to the predominate faith of the Island Empire the Emperor will make way for the lowliest of farmers during Harvest. It is not unknown for peasants to make their way into the Samurai Caste. Usually a feat of heroism is needed to earn a last name and become a noble. There are small villages and townships in between the twelve City states with varying levels of allegiance to one city state or another. The hidden city at the center of the island is forbidden to foreigners and is sacrosanct being the Ancestral Home of the Emperor and his family, of which there are several thousand. The Ancestral Home also houses several Academy's designed to train the children of nobles and samurai in the art of rule.

There are several regions outside the bounds of the Loyang Empire such as the Land of the Elf-kind to the far north, the Dunes to the west of the elves and to the south of the elves lies the frozen Tarym mountains and their surly bearded inhabitants.

The Elves have crafted high magics all around their island protecting it from the harsh polar weather. Enclosing and sealing themselves off from the wider world. As a result of these powerful protective magics the island know simply as the Dunes is a treacherous place awash in wild and unpredictable magics.

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