Greater Gods:
Mortus: God of Death

Followers of the god of death partake in a wide variety of death rituals and sacrifices that vary by region. Virgins, animals, and even the practitioners themselves are all worth sacrifices. Worms, maggots, and flies are all common place adjuncts to these followers who are masters of necromantic arts. While some would argue the animation of dead an insult to the god of death others consider it the highest tribute imaginable.
Mortus often allies with appellation gods of thievery, assassination, shadow, and chaos.
Adepts often have rotting flesh and dwell in the land of the semi living...
Eternitous: Father Time
Eternitous or more commonly known as Father Time has revealed himself to mortals in forms ranging from a senial old man with a thick white beard to a child with uncanny wisdom. Statistics claim the ancient god enjoys portraying himself in youthful forms more often. The hour glass is typically seen as the symbolic representation of the master of time however regional variances will produce time totems, clocks and sun dials.
Followers of Eternitous tend to seek wisdom and patients allotting for movement much slower than their mortal counter parts. Patients is preached as a virtue and often followers perform intense rituals for extended lengths of time.
Kar'tir: God of Humankind
Kar-tir is a major power broker on the planet of Kaelist. Only ever manifesting himself as a nimbus of greatness. That leaves those who looked upon it blind. Legand says those blinded souls have became an elite monastic order who birth demigods. Kar-tir is universally symbolized by a flaming spiral.

Ceremonies for Kar-tir followers often center around orgies where ritual magic increases furtility. It has been said that demigods of Kar-tir can enter a village and impregnate every woman no matter their age instantly. Sacrifices are strictly forbid. And human life is held above all else in the world.
Kar-tir often allies with the god of Life, the god of Abundant Harvests, and the god of Magic.
Pictured is a device on the door to the monistary of Kar-tir in Ripland
Evelar: Goddess of the Fey
Evelar is renown in all the universe for her wisdom, sense of mirth, and cleverness. So subtle is she that no mortal on Kaelist has laid eyes upon her yet her creations abound the planet in the form of elves, eladrin, pixies, faries, and gnomes to name a few. Her worshipers are many and he is not shy about manipulating them to enact her bidding. Of all the interstellar, or greater, gods whose influence touches Kaelist hers is the most active.
Evelar is symbolized most commonly on Kaelist as a three leaf clover. Although planar travelers will tell of her symbols ranging from everything between horseshoes to rainbows. Often she is mistook for the god of luck although unlike the god of luck Evelar has a dark side. For she created and thus is worshiped by trolls, and gremlins. Her home the Fey wild is as dark as it is bright and followers would be wise to know the flip side of the clover as it is known by the common folk.
Evelar allies with all gods, except for Kar-tir, for she is too tricky for any appellation god to oppose her. Kar-tir and her have a bitter rivalry which is most oft contested over the soals of the human elfs cross bread… cleverly named half elf.
Omnius: God of Orcs and Goblins
It is said that when all of creation was done the Greater gods gave Ominus a heap of trash to build his followers with for they feared him as the most skilled master of creation. The first thing created by the greater gods was a prison the common folk call hell so that they could keep Ominus away as they created their races and worlds. Ominus who had watched the creation of the other races in a this prison escaped and took up his broken bits of incomplete matter and created a series of spiteful races to harry the other races of the worlds.
Followers of Ominus are often Orcs and Goblins yet Ominus has created thousands of races out of the interstellar waste the other gods left him. More often than not misguided children of all races who have been bullied find comfort and power through worshiping Ominus.
Ominus’s symbol is a rusty spike or nail, which symbolized the erosion of society or the construction of spite through rejection and neglect.
Ominus allies with the gods of Death, Corruption, Trickery, and Shadows.
Below is an artifact worn by Salmake a demigod of Ominus...
The verbal history states that any who strike the wearer of this necklas have their weapons turn to dust.
Appellation Gods:
Solarthorn: Goddess of Magic

It has been whispered that the goddess is insanely jealous and will not hesitate to kill any who she feels could threaten her power. Solarthorn manipulates mortals as often as she changes female lovers, which may explain why it is that female magic users are the most powerful and most tortured of her followers.
Solarthorn's symbol is a red flaming moon with a black crow in the center of it. It is believed Solarthorn oft allies with Kaelin, whom she its thought she has known since childhood. Though she disputes his existence.
Other allies include Father Time, Pox the god of thieves, and Claudias the goddess of deceit.
Kaelin: God of Shadows
Nothing has ever been written about this God. His very existence is disputed by scholars.
Zaherts: God of War and Battle
As a mortal Zahertz reined as arena champion in the infamous Shelledrock arena for a record setting two decades. He left his home in the arena to serve as general to the legions of righteousness in the Justice Wars when Shelledrock fell in to civil war and eventually sacrificed himself to the depths of hell in order to close the portal which haunted his beloved country. After a century of constant warfare and torment in hell the demons banished Zahertz. Forced to return to the mortal plane he challenged the gods themselves in a war that wracked all the lands of Kaelist for years. He claimed immortality and destroyed three gods opening the way for Lavoxen, god of Valor, to join him as a lessor god.
Scholars say Lavoxen and Zaherts were arena adversaries who respected each other so much they became friends as they constantly tried to kill each other. Followers of Zahertz train in the arts of combat, be it mortal, arcane or divine. Zahertz has taken the symbol of a golden sun although some followers represent the god with a flaming gauntlet to symbolize his time in Hell.
Zahertz is most closly allied with Lavoxen and it should be noted that he is the former lover of Silvanna who fell in love with Cardinal while awaiting Zahertz’s return from Hell.
Pox: God of Thieves
Cardinal: God of Tricks and Merriment
As a mortal Cardinal took the grace and merriment offered to him as a son of Evelar and rose to the top of the mortal world. More than just grace and merriment did he take from her though as his twisted and backstabbing ways helped him to ultimately snub his interstellar immortal mother and leave her service. As a demigod he become an immortal himself. Albeit a lesser god. Scholars say Cardinal backcrossed his mortal companions, tricked his enimies, and betrayed his mother all while bedding Silvanna, goddess of luck. Since his bold move the god of tricks and the lady of luck are seldom out of alliance and their off spring, usually half elfs to spite Evelar, wantonly roam the land meddling in the affairs of mortals.
Cardinal’s symbol is that of a Jester, although many draw it as an angry jester and curse his name for betraying the greater gods, desecrating the once pristine silvanna, and tormenting their lives.
Silvanna: Goddess of Luck
Claudius: God of Deceit
Lavoxen: God of Valor
Grien: Goddess of the Harvest
Omniust: Goddess of Knowledge
Baleth Mazahd: God of Poetic Justice and Irony
Tydalus: God of the Seas
Eustice: Goddess of Torture and Justice (instead of Karmichael name)
Kaati: Goddess of Benevolent Blessings, Inspiration and Freedom
Powerful Factions:
Loyang Weapons Master School
The Magisterium or Arcanum (depending on where you are on the world)
Shadow Corps.
The Empire of Rien
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