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Rienbect is a continent wracked by constant war and strife. Throughout its history many races and peoples have called the land home for at its core is a lush fertile land. Yet centuries of war, power struggles and a seemingly never ending stream of natural disasters has left much of the land eternally wounded.

Currently the continent is all but conquered by the Rein Empire. The Empire has ruled for three human generations and during that time has taken over all but eight lone city states who are geographically protected from the advance of the Empire. Yet even as I write this the Rien Empire is marching on those cities for the eventual goal of the Rien is world domination. Currently the Rien Empire is raging campaigns of conquest on three other continents as well as its own.

The Empire on Rienbect is divided into Baronies, Duchies, and colonies depending on the population and value of the land. Each Baron, duke or gerent has complete authority of his domain and pays taxes to the Empire based on the domestic product of his people. The Empire typically empowers former members of the concurred society in place after executing key members of the former ruling class. So effective have been the strip and flip method of occupation that the empire has concurred nearly a third of the civilized world in a mere three generations time.

The Baronies of Rienbect:

Rien Barony: Rein is the ancestral homeland of the Rien Empire. It is home to the capital city, the Emperors palace and bolsters the wealthiest and tamest natural surroundings in the Empire. Unlike much of the continent the Rein Barrony has not hosted a war in over two hundred years. This equates to stable farm fields, architecture that is in tact, and a community of citizens that prosper. While not home to the largest city on the continent the Rien Barony houses the second through fifth largest cities. Through urban sprawl these cities grow closer together and it seem inevitable that these cities will eventually become one.

Haven Dourush is the baron of the Rein Barony, a purely ceremonial title since unlike the barons of other baronies in the Empire Haven is completely over shadowed by the presence of the Emperor in his capital city. Nonetheless the Rien Barony bolsters the largest standing army, the council of magi, the most ancient catacombs on the continent and a wealth of natural wonders that make the head of visitors spin constantly.

The Rien Barony is located in the upper northwest region of the continent where vast forest, amazing mountain ranges and endless streams not only act as protective neighbors but as seemingly endless revenue generators. Despite the inland wealth of resources all four of the largest cities in the barony hoover around a great bay and pull constant wealth out of the ocean beyond.

Silveen Barony: Perhaps the best information on the Barony of Silveen can be gleaned on an essay written by the famed historian Rudolpho Dezerante Esq. (see link for essay)

Heltheren Barony:

Alterstan Barony:

Rigmorth Barony:

The Duchies of Reinbect:

The Free Cities of the South: These are city states that exist on the continent of Rienbeck that are not part of the Rien Empire. They operate as individual governments yet have been forced into a pact of non-aggression to present a unified front against the Rien Empire.(see link for more details)

Rein Empire Fact Sheet:

Ruler: Nicolas Noir

Assistant Rulers:
1. Haven Dourush
2. The Uberous
3. Archmage Kilmon
4. A rotation of religious leaders

Population: 22,000,000
Currency Name: Platinum Crowns, Gold Stocks, Silver Stocks, Copper Bits
Primary Export: Manufactured goods
Other Exports: Harvested Minerals
Primary Import: Grains, and exotic goods
Other imports: Wines, Spirits, exotic apparel
Industry Focus: Weapon manufacturing, Wagons, Ships, Worked Iron
Technology Index: 7 to 8 (high technology, but no guns or engines)
Institution Index: 8 to 9 (Baronies are bogged down by paper work, and layers of bureaucracy)
Regional Races: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Bugbear, Halfling, Gnome, many others
Regional Gene Characteristics:
Laws of the Land:
Enforcement Institution:
Barons govern five Baronies that make up the majority of the empire. Duchies litter the rural areas of the land and even a few remote colonies extend to the outer limits of the empires reach.
Magistrates rule over criminal or civil disputes.
Each city is responsible for their own protection as well as governing their populist. Most cities have a hybrid system that has melded the duties of a soldier and a police officer into a position generically called city guard. Within the guard men usually specialize as a constable or infantry depending on their focus.

Physical description:
The Rien Empire is a vast land of many microclimates. Oceans boarder it's eastern and western boarders and there is a wealth of resources at their disposal. The original region of the Rien was significantly smaller and less resourceful yet after centuries of military dominance in the region they have acquired great wealth.
Social description:
Nobels, Counts, Barrons, Dukes, and surfs create layers of political intrigue. It is nearly impossible for a man of wealth not to get caught up into some form of politics. On top of the political intrigues thieves guilds, merchant guilds and unions dominate the fight over the empires scraps.

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