I got a good one today... went to starbucks to edit Kira and the barista started complaining about parking at the college. I have pretty much taken classes my whole adult life, be it wine, art, EMT, chem, ect. After I got a degree I decided I would be a student for life, and I dig the community college system in california. I digress. His lament got me a little worried since classes weren't supposed to start until Wed... or so I thought. Nope, classes started today and I missed my first and was about to miss the second. I rushed to the school and sent my teacher an email on the way, begging her not to drop me. Turns out teacher is a dude. I'm what the locals called 'screwed'
So I make my anatomy class... and spend four hours in hell listing to my teacher read from his web site and teach us how to use a microscope. Hell I tell you.
Anatomy teacher assigned us three chapters to read by wed and my wife is leaving for vegas in the morning, leaving me with the kids.
That's about half of the, as Blake would say, "Shit trencher I had to eat today"
So what do you drink on a day like this. Put the suds down my friends it is time to drink the good stuff. I ate four waffles with peanut butter on them and (after washing them down with milk) poured a glass of Blanton's Bourbon.
I'm not going to break it down, I haven't the mental capacity at this point. I will tell you that it is one of my favorite bourbons and I usually only break it out for special occasions. It makes this uber dork fan boy happier than slaying goblins on a sunday morning!
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