Barrel Trolley & The Walking Drum
I just started a new book tonight which I will probably have
a review of by the end of the week. That being the case I thought I’d crack a
pint of the good stuff and stroll down memory lane for a review. First the beer
then the book.
Tonight I popped the top on a Belgium White from Barrel
I was a little disappointed by the pour right off the bat. It
lacked effervescence . So I poured another just to see if it was me. Better but
not great. White head with a very nice unfiltered murkiness, think gold dragon
piss! I’m a big fan of unfiltered beer so dragon piss is a plus. The beer had a
slight citrus taste to it and a mild hint of spice. I would have liked a
heavier dose of spice and hops, but it still tasted better than a lot of beers
I’ve had the pleasure of quaffing. The finish dropped off pretty hard and was
about as interesting as a political debate… by that I mean not very. Overall I
wouldn’t tell people to avoid the beer nor would I send an email chain out
telling people that they have to try it and forward this email to three friends or
suffer the curse of the hag covey. You certainly could do worse, but it isn’t
going to generate a ringing endorsement from me either.
The Walking Drum is 1984’s version of an action flick novel.
Kerbouchard (what an amazing name) goes on an epic journey of non stop adventure.
There is no need for L’Amour to waste time pontificating on social idiocies,
instead he takes you through 12th century Europe and the Middle
east. The journey gives you an insight into the 12th century as well
as an amazing tale. I wish the story of Kerbouchard was finished. Sadly Louis L’Amour
died four years after the novel was published. Despite the lack of sequels the
novel is fantastic.
Do yourself a favor, grab a pint of the good stuff and crack
a copy of The Walking Drum. You’ll be glad you did.
Buy the book here: The Walking Drum
Wiki Site: The Walking Drum Wiki
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