Two Authors... One Site... All Things Fantasy

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Artist are coming! The artist are coming!

We met with Julia yesterday (@juliakrase) and she has already started sketching some of the main characters from The Fall of Rienbect. Can't tell you how pumped I am about seeing this project develop. We have twelve character sketches for our first round of projects. After that we have the ebook cover to design, as well as two comic book scripts. That is just the tip of the iceberg... Our goal is to ensure Julia forgets that the sun exists. Indeed, we may have to give her supplements to avoid jaundice.
If you are an artist and you are looking to get your name out there, and want to do some pro bono publico artwork email me @ Unfortunately, right now we only have a budget for Julia, but if we like your work and things go well we can always stop feeding one of my kids for a week or two and work something out. Noir, think noir. If you have a tendency for painting daisy's don't bother. That would be like bringing an std to an orgy. Black and white, and noir all over.
As Julia starts completing her projects we will post them up on the site. Until then keep doing whatever it is that you do.

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