Two Authors... One Site... All Things Fantasy

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Well, well, look who's back

I think I see the other side of the shit tunnel I've been crawling through. My computer is officially back, and I only lost a few irreplaceable things that would have forever changed the way the world views drugs sex and rock n roll... er... I mean fantasy, beer, and football. Nonetheless I am back.

Anatomy is eating my free time like pacman eats blurry white dots. I've got to have the skeletal system down by tuesday so I am cranking it out. Take this test:

I'll post the answer below for you! And of course what would a night of studying be with out a little something to warm the belly? So tonight I'm drinking Duvel Belgian Golden Ale. Yum...

Night thick bubbly head with a crisp apple and hops nose. Light golden color. Very traditional mouth feel and flavor, strong with a bitter back bone yet very refreshing. If you haven't had this yet it is a great way to spend an evening.

Updates since I've been gone...

I have finished editing all of Brondan's work for the upcoming ebook. Every excited about his two tales. Both are very different and interesting pieces.

I will be reading a piece of Larceny at the Bencia Outwriters writing group this thursday at Benicia Coffee house. That should be fun. I'm hoping to kidnap Brandan and force him to read too. If I can pry him away from Texas (female friend).

Julia is making some great progress on the graphic novel strip... but is leaving for france and is not going to work on it for a month or two?

Javier probably thinks I fell off the face of the world since my computer died but he is supposed to be working on maps for me but I haven't sent him the finals. Hopefully this week.

I started writing a bit of a love story and I don't think anyone is brutally raped or killed in it so I guess I've turned over a new leaf or something. Probably on account of my new girl friend... just kidding honey! My wife reads fantasy blogs all the time so I have to watch what I say!

I'm going to post the first chapter to larceny up on this site so you can read it and get a glimpse about what I've been doing. I'm normally against posting my roughs, but what the hell. Its only a short little read.

Answers to the test:

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