Despite our not having posted anything in a while, work continues. I'm entrenched in school and writing/ editing at night. Brenden has a new job and is doing the same. While we haven't crossed paths in a little while, each of us are still plugging away.
Two new projects:
1. I'm putting together a little home brew area in my garage. It will have 10-15 gallon capacity and some pretty nifty tricks.
2. I've been writing a fantasy love story. Don't worry it is as gritty and noir as everything else I write. Here is a little tinny sample:
Despair wiggled its way out of hiding and perched in the forefront of Auora’s brain for a better view of the big detective as he studied her with those big brown eyes. For an instant she could have swore the barbaric looking detective had pegged her as Blake’s sister. The ramifications of being related to the man accused of killing ten constables mentally unfolded in her mind; despair relished in the feast of noir thoughts. What would an entire police force do to the sister of a man who had killed their own? Beat her? Torture her? Murder her? Having satiated itself on these dark thoughts despair fostered a desire for company. Wantonly, despair danced down Auora’s spine and released panic, desperation, and doom into the pit of her belly. All four dire emotions churned and churned in the pit of her stomach until their dance reached its crescendo and Auora broke into tears.
As you can see it is rough but the style is drastically differnt than what I've been working on in the ebook.
Fun Weekend:
Clement Restaurant Dim Sum & Bakery, 621 Clement St., 415-752-9520
Hing Lung, 674 Broadway St., 415-398-8838
Yank Sing, 101 Spear St., 415-957-9300,
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