Currently I am editing The Deserted, a novella. I am in the first revision stage of the book. I have some great feedback from Cordell and Texas (my girl). The struggle is to take the feedback and incorporate it into the story. As well as going through and improving all the descriptions. There is some stuff that needs to be cut out of the story and quite a lot that needs to be added. I am currently trying to rewrite the beginning sequence to add a bit of action, something to grab the reader right from the outset. This is a difficult thing to do. Like the author Brandon Sanderson said, “Its like killing off your babies.” The revision is coming slowly but surely.
I also have another novella waiting in the wings that I need to edit and revise as well. That is Kira, a fairy tale/adventure story. I just got a wonderful piece of feedback from Texas about how I need to make the female lead more vulnerable, so she is relatable to women. So I have been occupying my writing time trying to figure out how I want to do that. Should she be afraid of the big bad world when she steps out into it? Should she be a bit shy? Perhaps unsure of how to go about completing her quests? I’m not sure how I will tackle this problem in the end, but it is fun to think about and play with.
Over the past couple months my girl and I have been cooking some great meals while we stand around drinking wine and chatting about life. Recently we made some excellent fish tacos and drank Sapporo a Japanese beer. As I have said before my palate is terrible when it comes to describing beers now but I will say this about Sapporo. Its a light tasting beer that pairs well with a spicy meal. The Japanese beers I have tried have been surprisingly similar to Mexican beers in that regard.
Well that's it from me for now. I will endeavor to blog more regularly. At some point out fans will want to see these and its good to get in the habit.
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