Played GURPS in San Francisco this week with a bunch of my long time gaming
friends. I play Chance 'The Once Eyed Dog' a character who started out as a
Dungeons and Dragons 4e character and transitioned into a GURPS 4th edition
Chance grew up in a monastery as the son of the holy leader. As an adolescence
Chance rejected the evil ways of the monastery. During a heated debate Chance
murdered his father and fled the monastery. Loyal followers from the monastery
vowed to avenge Chance. Out matched and over numbered Chance fled to Zargous
where he established himself as a vigilante. Fearing to bring the wrath of the
montestary and bounty hunters on any he befriended Chance remained a loner for
many painful years.
Fate proved to be a fickle bitch and Chance's desire to avenge the wrongs
imposed on innocence led him to join with a posse hunting goblin raiders.
Chance got on well with the members of the posse for a while; his bad temper
surfaced when Chance caught the members of the party trying to steal from a
crypt. Tempers flared and swords were drawn. Chance was sent out of the mausoleum
that the party had chased the goblins in to protect some rescued prisoners as
well as separate him from the rest of the group. It should be noted that the
party did refrain from robbing the crypt in the end.
The members of the posse made quite a name for themselves after rescuing the
prisoners and a prominent Lord, one Lord Avery Green of Hempfast, invited the
core members of the posse to stay on with him as men at arms. With the Hempfast
sigil on their shields the group gained numerous benefits not available to
common folk.
Chance fully disclosed his dark history to Lord Avery, who promised to lend
his garrison’s full support against the evil monks should they return. Chance
felt secure for the first time since learning of his father's evil ways. Chance
took on the role of law enforcement for Lord Avery and diligently monitored
Hempfast night and day from the roof tops. This annoyed the common folk and proved
to be a pain to lord Avery so Chance no longer is allowed on the roof tops in
Lord Avery has sent Chance and his new found friends on many grand and
dangerous adventures. Indeed twice Chance has taken blows to the head from
melee weapons. The first time left Chance with a wicked scare running from the
top of his head down the side of his face to the bottom of his jaw. The hair in
the scar area has turned white, and since the scar was field dressed it is a
rather large and ugly scare. Chance had never been known as a ladies man, but
before women just didn't notice him because he was a bit of a loner. After
receiving the scar women began to shudder at the sight of him.
The second blow to the head proved to be more deadly. Chance had traveled to
Marsum with Sir O, one of Lord Avery's knights who had been part of the
original rescue posse. During the course of escorting a young lady friend of
Sir O's the city was invaded by foul Minotaur beasts. One such beast entered
the Stony Pony tavern, a tavern frequented by Sir O and many other business
men. Chance threw a hand axe and struck the beast directly in the throat. The
thick hide left the beast with a glimmer of life left. The beast charged Chance
and clubbed him in the face with an axe. The blow sent chance to the floor and
his world spun. Chance lay bleeding to death on the floor while Sir O and
Tim-Tim, another of the original posse, finished the beast. Sir O saved
Chance's life on the floor of the Stony Pony by invoking the healing arts of
his god.
This critical blow changed Chance's life forever. First off and undying
loyalty to Sir O for saving his life bloomed. While Chance has never pledged
himself to Sir O, he is pledged to Lord Avery, Chance is always first to defend
Sir O's honor and look out for Sir O's squire. Secondly Chance put his fencing
steel down as a hobby weapon and picked up a bastard sword, some heavy armor,
and a shield. Whereas Chance used to dance around flipping off of tables and
throwing axes, now Chance move methodically slow through the field of battle
hacking everything to pieces in a rather brutal manner.
Most recently, SF this week, Chance and his band of adventures stumbled on a
tribe of barbarians in the Sea of Grass. The barbarian tribe respected Chances
battle wounds, even revered them, and was awe struck by his fire eating skills.
Chance drank enough for four men, and smoked until his eye stung. Lost in merriment,
something he had not known since childhood, Chance blacked out with glee. In
the morning chance found himself to be lying with a stunningly beautiful tribal
woman. Upon stumbling out into the morning light the chief announced that
Chance and Tim-Tim had married into the tribe the night before. Tim-Tim hadn't
a clue what was happening. Chance looked to see if his way more beautiful wife
than he deserved was happy with the marriage. She revered his scares and broad
shoulders. Chance learned she was the envy of the tribe for having married such
a seasoned and exotic warrior. Chance would have planted stacks and lived the
rest of his life within the community were it not for his current assignment
and pledge to Lord Avery.
Indeed, luck stayed with Chance's side yet again for as chance and his new
wife began to set up camp one night after five nights of travel, distant war
fires signaled the tribe had been besieged. Knowing that the group had multiple
parties pursuing them, Lord Avery's banner men and their new wives pressed
their horses hard the next day. All for not though as a small scouting party
found Chance and the party. A battle ensued, during which a signal horn was
sent. Sir Hughes swung his sword right before the gnoll breathed air into the
horn, but the blow came up short, and the sound echoed through the sea of
grass. Within minutes more gnolls swarmed out of nowhere. The fight proved to
be brutal for the group. Sir Hughes nearly got his throat ripped out by a
hound, and Tim-Tim lost his riding horse and almost lost his consciousness
while being swarmed by gnolls and hounds.
Now the group is on the run. Half the party is already out of breath from
the quick bit of divine healing the party did after the skirmish. Out of
breath, out of time, and nowhere to hide the group is now rushing through the
sea of grass hoping to reach the great elven forest of the northwest (that is
seriously what it is called!) before the gnolls can track them down.